I’ve been working on a new series for the month of May, based on photos and sketches I did in April at the Laguna Botanical Garden on the St Regis hotel property.
As I was working I remembered a running fox I saw in a beautiful garden, like a dream, it flashed through the deep greens at twilight and I wondered if I had really seen it all. This painting is based on that memory.
“Fox in the Twilight Garden”

Fox in the Twilight Garden by Cathy Carey ©2014
I did this painting “Seaside Flowering Tree” from a sketch I did while I was there. The day was perfect and the fresh white flowers in the tree were so crisp and new!

Seaside Flowers Tree by Cathy Carey ©2014
Another fox painting idea came to me, of a beautiful fox framed with foliage, sitting in this magical garden world.
“Fox in Foliage”

Fox in Foliage by Cathy Carey ©2014
I want the foliage to be similar to things I saw at the botanical garden but none are exact replicas. It’s my intuition for my paintings be feelings and memories of a place and time – not exact reproductions. I want the rhythm and pulse of the movement to be like dancing to music. The balance of the colors and patterns is important to me, and that is how I work through the process of the painting. How do I know when it’s done? The warm and cool colors, light and dark colors and vivid and neutral colors are all balanced. Then the solid areas and the patterns balance each other and create the rhythm of movement I’m looking to create. I want to move the viewers eye through the painting in an interesting way. As if you are walking through a garden with interesting things along the way.
These paintings and more will be on display at the La Playa Gallery for the Summer Solstice show. Reception June 21, 2014.
La Playa Gallery
2226 Avenida De La Playa
La Jolla, CA 92037
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