
K.L., student and collector from California
I want to tell you what your art means to me and to the environment and feeling in my home. The first painting I purchased from you, The Dreamer, is in my bedroom across from my bed. I see it every night as I go to sleep. It is rich and deep, full of color and intrigue, and I take it into my dreams. Friends who see it fall in love with it and want to lay down on my bed and dream!
I also have several more ‘traditional’ paintings that include water. One is a beach scene and one a lake view. Both take me into water in a significant way and allow for moisture, hydration, and juiciness in my home. One is hung against dark wood in the entryway in the stunning gold frame you used and it is like a beacon to those who enter my home. It is the first thing people see and comment on, and there are many things to see!
Another piece I must comment on is the stunning custom piece you completed for my kitchen. As you know, living in a house built in 1913, required a very special kitchen remodel to ensure a contemporary kitchen yet one that matched the look and feel of the house. After the remodel there was a rather unusual space that called out for color, and specifically for your art. I remember the day you came over to view the space and how taken I was with your process. You simply stood there, then walked around some, then created an association between an old torturous pine and a lily pond that had been together for 97 years, and in that moment created inside yourself a painting called ‘The Pine and the Pond.’ What you subsequently put onto canvas was an amalgamation of that vision and it is stunningly perfect in that spot. When friends walk into the kitchen they typically go right to the painting and I have to wait a bit before getting down to their drink requests!
Thank you, Cathy, for allowing me to create a small gallery of your work here in my home. I have run out of wall space, but am actively creating more!
Your art enriches me every day and I thank you.
Testimonial from J. and R. Collectors from Nevada
“We LOVE our shower curtain by Cathy Carey. It makes us happy every time we see it. The colors are fabulous and the art is amazing, as are all of Cathy’s creations.”
J. and R.

J. E., student and collector from Canada
"I have been thinking of how to express adequately the enjoyment, optimism, and gratitude you have engendered...
On the plane home I wrote more notes about the experiences and painting ideas, in my very crude journal (no pictures but at least it holds some words). Your positive attitude, thorough knowledge, experience as a teacher and a working artist, and your generous nature all made this an incredibly fortuitous and beneficial experience for me. Not only were obstacles I felt and could not define pushed aside, but also the pleasures of simply getting on with work became addictive. I think that the past methods I used were so slow that I did not want to start until I was fairly sure I would not make major mistakes and ruin a piece. That attitude gets self-defeating quickly, in contrast to the rewards of painting quick studies and simple pictures. Mostly, of course, your study of colour is crucial. I had not realized how much it would help to dissect the topic further than I had previously done, and to be able to have demonstrable results with the paint mixing...
Your lovely little painting will be a warm, pleasant reminder of the time and place we so enjoyed. Thank you for that, and for all you have given us."

Feedback from the Elfin Forest Interpretive Center Advisory Committee:
About three years ago the four members of the Advisory Committee for the Interpretive Center decided that we could manage the Center instead of an expensive consultant. None of us had experience in the field. But we believed that we could do it and make the Interpretive Center a place that would engage people in the watershed. It was a little daunting when you realize that we were responsible to our donors that had given us over $535,000, The Conservancy Board, and the Olivenhain Municipal Water District. Your art exhibit, art classes, and your wonderful way with people has honored our center and its success has given us new energy to carry forward. You validated part of the Center’s mission that nature through the eyes of an artist connects with the visitor in a more effective way. Your exhibit was embraced by our new group of docents who enjoyed sharing it with our hundreds of visitors. James Hubbell, on a visit to the center in November, commented on your gift in the use of color and how it complemented the center. Most all of our major donors visited the Center to see your exhibit and expressed their appreciation to us. A very important group in our land acquisition efforts, the national representatives from The Environmental Fund from Boston, specifically requested a tour of the Center when your exhibit was on display. They loved the Center, its connection with the arts, and your work. The trip resulted in their commitment to future land acquisition projects by the Conservancy.
Cathy, thank you. We value your future involvement with us and look forward to our continued relationship.
The Elfin Forest Interpretive Center Advisory Committee Jeff Swenerton, Jeff Anderson, Tim Costanzo, Lali Mitchell
J.P.M. Collector from San Diego, CA
Dear Cathy,
We love your artwork – as evidenced by our many purchases. Your creative use of vibrant colors, along with your choice of subjects, has made your paintings among our most valued possessions. Our collection includes watercolor, oils and pastels. Each piece has its own personality and unique placement in our home. Some of our paintings show detailed aspects of nature while others include panoramic views. Our pastels include amazing aspects of Venice and its canals and eye catching colors of the funky homes along Meyer Street in Tucson (named for my husband’s great-grandfather). In our busy world, your artwork is a beautiful reminder to slow down and view and feel the beauty around us. Thank you for helping to make our house a lovely, warm and welcoming home.
Most sincerely,

Testimonial from Reverend. W.
When I first saw Cathy Carey’s art, I was struck by the intensity of the colors and the underlying emotions and beauty of her work. Her love of nature reminded me of the blessings of this life and how we can share those blessings with others through the talent that God has given us.
Cathy’s work inspires me and brings a sense of joy not only to Nina and me, but to our friends who have seen Cathy’s art in our home. Many evenings, I stop what I am doing and take another careful look at Cathy’s Peaceable Kingdom. As a clergy person, I am aware that many people are given talents, but never reach out to fully explore and stretch that talent. In Cathy’s work, I see what is possible and beautiful when creativity and purpose are combined with hard work and dedication. Her art has a sense of wonder and love which she expresses so beautifully by her use of color. Her generosity of spirit is so fully expressed in her art. Peaceable Kingdom is a centerpiece in our family room. It helps to remind me that God’s kingdom has come in some small way to our home; thanks to Cathy’s exceptional gifts and talent.
Rev. W.