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Writer's pictureCathy Carey

New Paintings – Paso Robles

This month I have been working hard on paintings from my trip to Paso Robles, here are a few I finished up! 

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Painting by Cathy Carey 2015©

This month several paintings are coming off the easel. The first, (and a favorite of mine), is “White Rabbit of Wonderland”. I like this one a lot because of the expression on the rabbits face. It has a look that makes him look very human, and that is part of what I am saying through my paintings – that animals have emotions and spirits of life as humans do.

Painting by Cathy Carey 2015©

Luna has just landed on a Torrey Pine tree limb near the ocean. The moon is about to set beneath the ocean and the nebulas and stars spin in the sky above. Luna is looking at you with all the wisdom of the ages, with many answers to questions unknown.

Painting by Cathy Carey 2015©

This painting is destined for the Ranch at Taos gallery in Taos, NM. I will be having a show there in October with a reception October 10. The sketches for this came from a trip I took last year to the Santa Fe/Taos area and had lots of good occasions to photograph and sketch the wild mustangs by the side of the road.

Painting by Cathy Carey 2015©

I get such a kick out of watching the quail run around our garden, and on the trails near where I live. Here is a mixed family of chicks from several seasons, two are tiny and young, one a little older and off exploring. I see the expressions on the parents as half crazed cautiousness, with Dad on patrol for danger, and Mom ever watchful. The young chicks are just awestruck with everything and stay close to Mom.

Painting by Cathy Carey 2015©

This is another painting started from my sketchbook on the train to Paso Robles. This takes place where the train was going through the back country hills along the tracks around the Oceanside area. In the foreground – two quail are seen cosy’d up on a lovely spring day. I wrote the word “Love” in purple directly above the top quails head.

Painting by Cathy Carey 2015©

Another painting from my train trip to Paso Robles sketchbook. This one shows two rabbits in an idyllic setting by the sea. Their expressions tell me they are having a communication of some sort, and it amuses me to imagine what it is about! What do you think they are talking about?

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