I was in an art show at the Escondido Municipal Gallery called “Summation”. It is the Escondido Arts Partnership’s annual year-end juried exhibition that featured some of the finest work produced and displayed by San Diego and Southern California regional artists in 2013. Artwork from the exhibition will be a part of the annual Summation publication by Poet’s Inc. which documents poetry inspired by works of art in the exhibition. Summation 2013 celebrates the summations of an artists vision and process during the year.

Vision from a Dream by Cathy Carey 30 x 40 oil
My piece “Vision from a Dream” was used as the inspiration for three beautiful haiku’s by Chrisanne Moats, the gallery manager of the Escondido Municipal Gallery. I was so pleased with her interpretations I wanted to share them here.
Heron Haikus
I’m flying again
cool blue soaring before dawn
dreaming as a bird.
airborne to freedom
feathers of grey cut earth’s bonds
heron the phoenix
spirit messenger
great river bird brings her songs
night garden of stars
by Chrisanne Moats
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