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Using Creativity and Color for Healing

Writer's picture: Cathy CareyCathy Carey

How to use color and creativity  for your own emotional and physical healing. 

Excerpts from a speech made by Cathy Carey at a Cancer Survivors Tea at St. Bartholomew’s church in Poway

I believe out bodies are like a suit of functionality our spirits put on to experience the material world.  We are not our bodies, we are our spirits and it is through the spirit we connect with God. Through prayer and meditation and creativity we once again become more than the limitations of our bodies. So I wanted to talk about an ancient spiritual system that uses color as an aspect of healing called The Chakra System.

I wanted to give you a way to visualize how color can help your body by energizing the Chakras.

Translated from Hindu, Chakra means “spinning wheel of energy.”  For about the last 4,000 years, Asian cultures have spoken of the Chakra system. There are seven energy centers within our bodies that are represented by a color of the spectrum and a musical note. According to the Hindu, Chakras govern certain emotional and physical attributes. They believe that activating the Chakra system is a way to invoke healing in specific parts of the body. They do this by meditating on the color or tone associated with the problem area.  It is interesting to see the connections between colors and the parts of the body, and the meanings of each Chakra.

Each Chakra center comes with an idea of what that center means,  the tone or color that represents it, and how we “feel” it in our bodies. For people wishing to use color therapy for healing, concentrating on a specific chakra is an interesting and helpful meditation. So I’m going to read you the list of colors and tones. To use this information as a meditation, you will close your eyes and meditate on a color and the part of the body it represents. Try to feel the energy of that area of your body. If you are in need of emotional or physical healing, try to picture the healing power of the color as you consider it. For example, when you are feeling stress, close your eyes and picture a bright soothing blue color. Blue is the color of serenity and an antidote to stress. As you experience this color, allow your breathing to slow down and try to experience a calmer sate of mind.  2

Chakra System

The Root or Base Chakra

Location: Base of Spine, Kidneys

Color: Red

Musical Tone: C

The Root Chakra is the lowest vibration, the base of power (based on the “spinning wheels of energy” that make up the Chakra system). The Root Chakra generates heat and anger. When meditating on red, picture the power of the passion in the color. When mixed with white it is the color of femininity. In its strongest darkest tones it is the color of Mars, God of War. The Base Chakra is the home of the male sexual energy. Red represents quick strength, power and leadership. Red stimulates heat and excitement as well as brings cheer and brightness. In a painting red will bring drama to a dull area.  Red creates drama in a dull world.

To meditate on damage in the Base Chakra and bring healing energy to it, imagine what the color of your pain looks like based on how it feels in your body. As you imagine the color – imagine changing the color to a bright, vivid, strong, healthy, vital Red.

The Sacral Chakra

Location: Reproductive Organs

Color: Orange

Musical Tone: D

The color of the brave, Orange carries the reputation of the Sun, strong and invigorating. Orange warms without burning.

Orange stimulates the emotions and is the energy center of the emotions. Home to female creativity, empowerment,  self-worth, pleasure and desire, the Sacral Chakra gives us the gift of emotion with security. It is the place creativity comes from, the power to create something from nothing, the effort of will to express our individuality. It is located two  fingers above your navel. You can meditate on the Sacral Chakra by visualizing warm orange light in that part of your body.

To meditate on damage in the Sacral Chakra and bring healing energy to it, imagine what the color of your pain looks like based on how it feels in your body.  As you imagine the color – imagine changing the color to a friendly, strong,  vigorous, energetic Orange.

The Solar Plexus Chakra

Location: Stomach, Liver, Gall Bladder, Nervous System

Color: Yellow

Musical Tone: E

Yellow has the high wisdom and intellect of the Buddhist masters in a bright aspect.  Energy, power accomplishments, and intellectual understanding come together under the Yellow Chakra. Pale Yellow is the weakest color, meaning cowardice and deceit. The term a “Yellow streak up his back” denotes cowardice and dishonesty. On its negative side there is lack of energy, depression, worthlessness and fear. Visualize golden light filling your lower rib cage to meditate on the Solar Plexus Chakra.  Feel the energy and warmth of the sun expand throughout your being.

To meditate on damage in the Base Chakra and bring healing energy to it,  imagine what the color of your pain looks like based on how it feels in your body.  As you imagine the color – imagine changing the color to a sunny, active, alert Yellow.

The Heart Chakra

Location: Heart, Blood, Circulatory System

Color: Green

Musical Tone: F

Located in the center of the chest, the heart Chakra  is the emotional center of love, compassion, and peace. At its best the green energy of the heart Chakra engages in humanitarian social causes to serve others. When in conflict, the heart center can be full of anger, rigidity, melodrama and envy, as in “green with envy”. To meditate on the heart Chakra, visualize emerald-green filling the center of your body with healing light. Green is a calming influence on the red heat of anger.

To meditate on damage in the Heart Chakra and bring healing energy to it, imagine what the color of your pain looks like based on how it feels in your body.  As you imagine the color – imagine changing the color to a healthy, balanced, vibrant, pulsating Green.

The Throat Chakra

Location: Vocal Apparatus and Lungs

Color: Blue

Musical Tone: G

Located in the base of the neck, the throat Chakra is the center of communication. When in balance, the throat Chakra is capable of eloquent expression, communicating the inner desires with truth and beauty, the ability to show  to the world the artists’ inner life. The Throat Chakra has an ability to use intuition to manifest ones goals. The ability to receive unconditional abundance is the hallmark of this Chakra. In balance the throat Chakra is “true Blue”, while in conflict the “Blues” of depression can take over. Meditate on the Blue light of the throat Chakra to experience calm.

To meditate on damage in the Throat Chakra and bring healing energy to it, imagine what the color of your pain looks like based on how it feels in your body.  As you imagine the color – imagine changing the color to a serene, relaxed, peaceful, ringing with truth Blue.

The Third Eye Chakra

Location: Lower Brain, Left Ear, Eye, Nose And Nervous System

Color:: Indigo

Musical Tone: A

Located in the center of your forehead, the indigo light of the Third Eye Chakra is associated with the deeper part of our being, dignity and higher thought. The Third Eye Chakra is the level of consciousness that is the foundation for our goals, the way we perceive our part in the grand scheme, and our connection to spiritual growth.  The Third Eye is the place we connect with the idea of something bigger than our mortal life, our relationship to the unseen world. To meditate on the Third Eye Chakra, visualize midnight Blue at the center of your forehead. Allow the colors of the spectrum to move in and out of the Indigo.

To meditate on damage in the Third Eye Chakra and bring healing energy to it, imagine what the color of your pain looks like based on how it feels in your body.  As you imagine the color – imagine changing the color to an intuitive, sensitive, beautiful Indigo (Blue Purple).

The Crown Chakra

Location: Upper Brain Right Eye, Ear, Nose

Color: Violet

Musical Tone: B

The violet light of the Crown Chakra represents the highest aspirations of our being. Often associated with religious and royal ceremonies, it represents honor and spirituality. This is the place of divine inspiration and wisdom. When in conflict, it can produce depression and lack of inspiration, a feeling of disconnection from your higher self. To meditate on the Crown Chakra, visualize violet light filling the crown of the head. Sense your spirit hovering above the worldly issues of your body and feel a oneness with the universe.

To meditate on damage in the Crown Chakra and bring healing energy to it, imagine what the color of your pain looks like based on how it feels in your body.   As you imagine the color – imagine changing the color to a clear, wise, magical Violet (Red Purple).

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