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Chimayo Summer Clouds

Chimayo Summer Clouds

SKU: 3428

24W x 20H


A summer scene of hollyhocks and a big thunderhead cloud rising above the beautiful Chimayo chapel. One of the most special times of year is the summer monsoon season. The flowers and vegetation go wild in a fecund burst of glory! Famous for being the "Lourdes" of the southwest, many people come to this rustic church for the miraculous dirt, believed to have healing power. I have always felt the healing properties of this special place, and always stop by on my way to Taos. Over the years it has changed a lot, but still maintains a folk art kind of charm to the buildings and artwork that make it feel so genuine. The healing grace of Chimayo for me has to do with more than the dirt, it is also the sun and sky, the mountains and stars, the whole spinning, dancing wonderland of life that I find myself in.

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