A Life Well Lived with Love
40W x 30H
$3150.00 unframed
I get a wonderful serene feeling when I'm traveling through the southwest, around Santa Fe, Taos, especially the area around Chimayo. The sanctuary of Chimayo is known as a healing place, and there is a definite feeling of peace and serenity in that area. I also feel energized by the colors and textures of the landscape. The amazing mountains in the distance, the rolling clouds. But the best of all is when I see some horses off in the landscape, perched on a hill, or grazing in a field.
This scene shows a couple of horses on one of the hillsides near Chimayo, some of the wild ponies of the southwest.
While I was working on this painting, I traveled back to Virginia several times to see my Mom, at 98, who was in the final months of her life. We looked through photo albums of her life, and we reminisced about all the wonderful things that happened over the years. She lived an extraordinary life in so many ways. Between visits I would be working on this painting and I realized that I was painting that feeling, of a long, connected life in a happy place, with loved ones and community. A place where you were an integral part of the landscape and the lives of everything around you, just like the spirit of the wild ponies of the southwest. May they forever roam free.
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