I'm delighted to present my new web page here! I've been working on combining three different sites and trying to figure out the best way to showcase all the things that I offer. I have my original paintings, which cover a variety of subject matters. If you want to keep checking back to see my newest work go here:
You can browse by subject matter, and look for specific animals or landscapes. With so many ways to browse I want to offer an elegant ease of use for my friends to visit and see my new works.
I also offer prints and accessories made from my painted images!
I posted a video I made last summer of my process, it is an introduction to my style and how I create paintings. Find it here:
I wrote a book on color theory called "The Philosophy of Color" and you can find out more about it here:
Please offer any advice or tips or just say if you enjoyed it, it would mean a lot.
To visit the full site: